Advancing Options for Management and Mitigation of
Spray Drift
Risk Mitigation Measures in Europe to Prevent Plant Protection Product losses to the Environment
Member States legislation
Over the last twenty years, Member States have used mitigation measures to reduce the risk to the environment for several purposes and in different ways. Specific rules for protecting areas of drinking water abstraction, or honey bees and birds, and stipulating buffer zones to surface waters are well established tools and have been widely used for regulatory purposes. Furthermore, new and more specific, tailor-made measures are in use today e.g. for treated seeds, for new groups of organisms such as terrestrial invertebrates. In addition, risk mitigation measures are needed where new protection goals are being developed, for example in relation to biodiversity, as this has become important over the last few years.
In this section you will find information on the implementation and legislative provisions for the use of spray drift reducing devices in selected Member States and the impact on no-spray buffer zone width thereof.
Belgium adopts a rather pragmatic approach when it comes to the accreditation of drift reducing nozzles. Yet, the buffer zone legislations well as the use of drift reducing nozzles have a federal (national) and a regional element - which makes things a bit more complicated. Click on the flag to find out more or hit the "more" button to see the regulatory situation for Belgium in terms of spray drift reduction.
Spray drift reducing technology can be used in Austria to reduce no - spray buffer zone width. Also, the formal representation of SDRN in regulatory risk assessment is allowed. In arable crops, reduction classes are 50%, 75% and 90%. In orchards, reduction classes are 50%, 75%, 90% and 95%. The latest updated list of drift reducing nozzles has been published on March 18, 2016 and can be downloaded on this website.
to be completed
United Kingdom
to be completed