Advancing Options for Management and Mitigation of
Spray Drift
Risk Mitigation Measures in Europe to Prevent Plant Protection Product losses to the Environment
Competent body
Bundesministerium für Land-und Forstwirtschaft, Umwelt und Wasserwirtschaft
A-1012 Wien,
Stubenring 1
Tel. +43 1 711 000
Fax. +43 1 711 00 2934
In a nutshell...
Arable crops
Maximum No Spray buffer zone: 20m
Drift reducing nozzles: 50%, 75%, 90%
Maximum no spray + drift reduction combination:
20m + 90% drift reduction
Fruit crops
Maximum no spray buffer zone: 20m
Drift reducing nozzles: 50%, 75%, 90%, 95%
Maximum no spray + drift reduction combination: 95% drift reduction
Source: MAgPIE proceedings
Possible surface water mitigation measures in the countries of the Central zone (based on survey conducted by Abu et al., 2013)
Width of No-Spray Buffer Zones (m) to Mitigate Drift Accepted by Central Zone Member States
F: Field crops
V: Vegetables
O: Orchards
B: Bush & Nurseries
Mandatory minimum buffer zones with regard to surface waters are specified on product labels. No minimum buffer zones must be applied with regard to watering ponds that have no connection to groundwater or surface water. There are possibilities to reduce buffer zones as specified on the label. Indeed, some nozzles have been classified as "drift reducing".
Depending on the drift reduction class (50%, 75% or 90%) a reduction of the buffer zone width can be applied;
If a water body can be clearly described as "flowing water" over its entire width the buffer zone can be reduced by 25%;
If the water body is densely foliated in the area of the application, and if this foliated area is 1 m wide at a minimum and at a minimum 1 m higher than the nozzle height, the buffer zone can be reduced by 25%;
If the applied amount in the area of the buffer zone is reduced by at least 50% the buffer zone reduction allowance of the higher drift reduction class can be applied.