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Risk Mitigation Management Measures

Legal requirements and situation, summary of accepted risk mitigation measures

April 26, 2017

The Decree of 4th May 2017 and according to Article L. 253-1 of the Rural Code allows for the reduction of non treated zones of 50 or 20 m to 5 m, provided the following conditions are fulfilled:

- A vegetated  strip of a width of more than 5 m along the water body is established (full or dotted blue lines on IGN maps 1/25000 or department map of the concerned water bodies

-The use of drift reducing material reducing drift by a factor of 3 for aquatic environments (official list of accredited “ZNT” material)

- PPP use on parcel is recorded.

Source: Arvalis 

The ECOPHYTO brochure on the good practices for PPP application (brochure) states the following:

Farmers should not apply PPPs when:

- Wind speed > 19 km/h or 3 on the Beaufort scale

- Temperature > 25°C

- If rain is announced within the following hours of application


When a boom sprayer is fitted with accredited low drift nozzles the non-treated safety zone (ZNT) for a given PPP can be reduced to 5 m.

A no treated zone (ZNT) to be observed along a water body (point d’eau) varies from 5 o 100 m. If no ZNT is indicated on the label, a buffer zone of 5 m minimum applies.

Source: Phytosanitaires:Guide des bonnes pratiques dans les zones non agricoles

Certification and approval procedure for spray drift reducing nozzles

April 26, 2017

Nozzles are listed on the official list of low drift nozzles if they were efficient at 66% to reduce spray drift. 

Reference texts are the the decree of 12 September 2006 and the rural code article L.253-1.

List of spray drift reducing nozzles

April 26, 2017

The DGAL,has published, on 15 February 2017, an updated list of accredited nozzles allowing the reduction of non treated buffer zones (zones non traitées – ZNT) for certain plant protection products. This new list contains 2 new air assisted boom sprayers for major crops. This new list repeals the list of 1 December 2016.

Link to the list.

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